Mrs. Mahland and Mrs. Walsh had a great experience at the Book Fairies yesterday. They gathered around 400 books to add to their classroom libraries! It was a great hour! They are so excited to share these titles with my students!
about 6 years ago, Rina Beach
Mrs. Mahland and Mrs. Walsh visit the Book Fairies to fill their classroom library
Mrs. Kahn's fourth graders join Ms. Salzberg's class to learn about cooking, serving and enjoying homemade bread in Mrs. Hecht's room.
about 6 years ago, Rina Beach
Super collaboration among teachers and learners.
Mrs. Diamond’s learners are hard at work reading and writing in her class.
about 6 years ago, Lawrence Elementary School
Annotating the text to look for clues
Looking for evidence to support her claim.
Mrs. Bauer works with her learners using the differentiation strategy learned in the professional development workshops of Diane Ripple Associates.
about 6 years ago, Lawrence Elementary School
Mrs. Bauer using differentiation strategies with her learners.
Congratulations to our fifth grade All County Participants
about 6 years ago, Rina Beach
Mailo Rozas, Addison Watson, & Julia Sharin with Mrs. Gallopini, Ms. Actiga, Mrs. Beach & Mrs. Rogan
Mrs. Rubenfeld’s Class celebrates with a publishing party
about 6 years ago, Rina Beach
After sharing a reward
Learners work on the carpet to create