On Thursday 10/28 from 5-7PM, the LHS National Honor Society is hosting their annual "Safe Trick or Treat" at Lawrence High School. The admission is $5 per person. Please keep in mind, no child may be admitted without their parent/adult. Come dressed in your costumes for a fun night with family and friends at Lawrence High School's "Safe Trick or Treat!"
LES continues to celebrate Spirit Week with Twin Day!
Spirit Week! Join us in celebrating Spirit Week 2021 gearing up for LHS Homecoming on 10/23. Students that participate on Tuesday & Friday will be entered to win raffle prizes.
Check out part 2 of our October SMORE. Tons of cool stuff and information.
We invite you to join us virtually today at 4:30pm for our October Parent Training with Dr. Vera Feuer from Northwell Health. We will discuss strategies to use when you child is experiencing school anxiety and does not want to come to school. The link to join us at 4:30pm is: meet.google.com/ept-grew-zqh
Dear LES Families,
The security office is now located downstairs on the 878 (right) side of the building. Drop off or pick up before 9 am will remain in the lobby. This is the location for walker pick up already. Zero period drop off for 5th and 6th graders remains at the cafeteria entrance.
Thank you.
Virtual PTA Meeting
Please use the link to log on to our PTA meeting to meet the officers and hear all about the PTA's exciting plans for the school year ahead
LES PTA Meeting
Tuesday, October 5 · 6:00 – 7:00pm
Google Meet
Lawrence School District has partnered with Northwell Health to offer a series of free workshops for parents on a variety of behavioral health topics. Please visit the news section of our website for more information. https://www.lawrence.org/article/550496
A fall Smore for you all. I hope you find interesting and useful information here for you and your learners. Check it out here. https://www.smore.com/7x9yh
You can now get it in many languages use the translate button.
Good Afternoon LES Familes,
Please click the link below for the Back to School Night Principals Video and Presentation.
Be sure to check out your teachers Google Classroom as well!
Our Fall Parent Like a Champion evening is on October 7th at 6:30 pm. Join us to hear Dr. Pedersen discuss how Lawrence is educating the Whole Child and about our new collaboration with Northwell Health. For more information and to sign up for the virtual workshop, click here:
Welcoming our learners back with an assembly! For many students it was the first time being in the renovated auditorium at 195 Broadway.
Welcome back to a new school year. Here is the MS Library September Smore. It is now fully translatable. I hope you can find something of interest here for you and your family. https://www.smore.com/rub2x
Everything you need to know in one place. Get your learners ready for a return to school on Thursday September 2nd.
Check it out.
Summer Reading Wrap-up Smore Issue #8 https://www.smore.com/gfued
Look for more Library Smore’s over the school year - You can find them in our Lawrence Bookmarks on your chromebook.
Please see the newsletter for safety updates regarding our reopening. We look forward to seeing all learners for daily in person learning. We will be wearing masks as the year starts. See you September 2nd!
View and download the yearly school calendar here:
Thank you to all the families & caregivers that came out for our Mid-Summer Reading Check-in. It was so great to see you all. Did you know you can find the smore on your Chromebook in your Lawrence Bookmarks. Take a peek at this week's smore.
The first day of school for students is September 2nd. There have been no department of health updates sent to schools, however today the state education department announced guidance will be coming to address questions around the wearing of masks, social distancing, remote learning, and transportation.
We will keep you informed and thank you for your patience and support.
We look forward to the start of school!
Dr. Pedersen
The Midsummer Check-In Event is beginning now! We look forward to seeing all of our learners at 195 Broadway from 9 to 11 AM! Come pick up your FREE books and shirt!