Lawrence Schools Hold First Live Performances since Covid
LAWRENCE, NEW YORK (JANUARY, 2022)—The Lawrence School District rang in the new year with its winter concerts on Wednesday, December 15, Thursday, January 13, Thursday, January 20, and Tuesday, January 25. These were the first concerts the District has been able to conduct in-person since January 2020 because of the pandemic!
“All students and their directors were thrilled to perform together for our audiences again,” said Dr. Ann Pedersen, Superintendent of Lawrence School District. “I look forward to seeing our students perform again in the Spring!
The Lawrence Elementary School Music students are a group of dedicated students who come in early to school twice a week to practice in addition to their weekly in-class lessons. The winter concert featured the 6th-grade orchestra under the direction of Ms. Daria Barteldt, band under the direction of Mr. Alan Katz, and the chorus under the direction of Ms. Skylar Berkley.
Lawrence Middle School kicked off its winter concert season featuring orchestra, band, and chorus on Wednesday, December 15. Teachers and families were proud of their student’s hard work and dedication as they watched them perform. Seventh-grade students performed their winter concert on Thursday, January 13. The 7th and 8th-grade orchestra was directed by Ms. Pam Gallopini, District’s Music Coordinator, the band was directed by Ms. Lonnie Ginsberg, band teacher and the chorus was directed by Ms. Susan Rogan, chorus teacher.
Lawrence High School’s orchestra, chorus, and band enthusiastically performed on Thursday, January 20. The orchestra was under the direction of Mr. Andrew Krahm, music teacher. This was Mr. Krahm's first concert. As part of his direction, he dedicated a song to his grandmother. The chorus was under the direction of Shelly Goldman, a former Lawrencian. This was also Ms. Goldman's first concert. She shared her journey from being a student in Lawrence to her debut concert that evening. The high school band performed under the direction of Mr. Brian Stabile, music teacher.
“All our students’ hard work paid off and the performances were a huge success,” said Pam Gallopini, Lawrence School District’s Music Coordinator. “Congratulations to all our musicians for an outstanding winter concert season.”
Photo 1: Lawrence Elementary chorus with Ms. Berkeley, with an introduction by Pam Gallopini, District Music Coordinator.

Photo 2: Lawrence Elementary rehearsal for Winter Concert
Photo 3: Lawrence Middle School (7th grade) Winter Concert
Photo 4: Lawrence Middle School (8th grade) Winter Concert
Photos 5 & 6: Lawrence High School Winter Concert